Mahan Law and Riverview Animal Hospital

The client—a couple consisting of a veterinary attorney and veterinarian—wanted to expand and relocate their businesses into a former auto parts store. Luminaut completed the architecture and interiors, converting the space into a two-story building with a glass-corner entry to access the first-floor Riverview Animal Hospital and second-floor Mahan Law.

Mahan Law

Through the use of both modern and rustic materials, the structure of this dual-business building brings a layered, approachable interest to the street and its respective guests. The law firm boasts perimeter glass offices, multiple conference rooms, and two kitchenettes. The design required a new addition, additional windows, and the construction of a rooftop patio to act as a relaxed gathering space for employees.

Riverview Animal Hospital

The vet clinic has a bright and fresh design and the law firm boasts perimeter glass offices, multiple conference rooms, and two kitchenettes. The design required a new addition, additional windows, and the construction of a rooftop patio to act as a relaxed gathering space for employees.

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